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The Lord goes before us, always.

I am definitely someone who wants all the answers. It’s just how Abba wired me. I like to be spontaneous in how I act, usually quickly deciding on something and then carrying it out in the same breath. I have no issue with going with my gut or calling the shots, but in situations where things are out of my control, I get a little unsteady. This is a specific part of my life that I have to constantly work on with the Lord, walking in surrender daily to what he wants, not what I think is best.


I was reminded last night that GOD ALWAYS GOES BEFORE US. i.e. he knows where he wants me, and allows and leads things to happen to grow and prosper me, not to harm.

Deuteronomy 31:8 says,


“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never

leave you nor forsake you.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”


I was waiting for a college church service Sunday night, when I found out some big changes would be happening in my home church; some changes I knew were coming, but I still hadn’t come to terms with. Let’s be honest, we (me) have all those things in our life that we don’t want to deal with. So instead of dealing, we just ignore. I’m convinced that hard uncomfortable things will always be tough to process, but I also know that our God walks with us through them so we can grow and be better and stronger for them.


When I got the news, I was expecting to react. With frustration, hurt, sadness, maybe even a little disappointment. But I didn’t, I stood in stillness, and just felt the weight of the Holy Spirit bring upon me peace. Soon after, we went up to the loft for the service. I learned that someone else I looked up to as a spiritual leader was also leaving soon to pursue something the Lord was leading him and his family to. I’m not going to put up a front and say in the midst of the waves of thoughts and the gusts of mixed emotion I was steady as could be. But despite of what quite literally felt a little bit like an earthquake, where the ground on which I stood was kind of crumbling, I heard the Lord speak, “I go before you, always”.


I was reminded of this sweet truth and again felt a peace that only Jesus can bring. I was undeserving of those words, of that comfort, of that peace; but overwhelmed with love for our God who hears my thoughts and worries and wants the best for me. How good it is to be His, he sees what a mess we are and chooses us anyway. In hindsight, it must be kinda funny for God to look down at us scrambling. Sometimes we act like orphans, when, in reality we are purchased children. Oops am I thankful for grace :’)


I think often, I get wrapped up in the things ahead. I overlook presence for anticipation and trade stillness for chaos. It’s just part of how my brain works.

Isaiah 30:15 says:

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:

“In repentance and rest is your salvation,

   in quietness and trust is your strength,

   but you would have none of it.”

I wrestled with this passage, a lot. (If you haven’t read Psalm 139, go do it; its straight GOLD) Rest and quietness are not things that come naturally for me. This passage was like a balm for my soul, calming the chaos and rampant thoughts. This passage met me exactly where I was in my brokenness and pulled out. So so thankful that in my continuous salvation he calls me to rest and that in stillness I find his strength!!!


He dwells in this moment, in that moment, and every other. God is ahead and behind and everywhere else. He dwells in every moment of weakness and pain, and every feeling of joy and celebration. WHAT A GOOD GOD WE SERVE. I pray for anyone reading this, if you are feeling any of these thoughts of restlessness, discontentment, confusion, hurt, disappointment. KNOW that he is there with you, and that his heart breaks for his child.

Press into his presence, his life giving word, He  goes before us in all things.

All my love, 


ps. if you want to hear an awesome song with tons of truth check out – “I Don’t Wanna Go” by Chris Renzema

One response to “He Goes Before Us, Always.”

  1. ….such encouraging words from one so young in years…wow & wow…

    Carissa, I am seriously moved.

    It is such a BLESSING for us—especially the “older” in year’s crowd—to see God’s hand in your life, bc that ain’t you, how could it be?

    I’m thanking God so much that, even after we “oldsters” depart Earth, He continues to build the Church through you, dearest one.